Friday, May 8, 2009

Summer Jewelry Trends 2009

Summer is finally here. This S/S2009 the Jewelry are more colorful and are made of unconventional materials and beads you might have only heard of.
They are here to give you more exotic, trendy and natural feel and look. They are available at cheaper rates too. Do yourself a favor and invest in a giant, bold necklace.

Undoubtedly, they may prove a practical option of fashion jewelry during these dark days of economic recession when everybody is shy of buying something costly. Although, Gold jewels are still popular this season as we've seen it in Ralph Lauren, but unfortunately it’s very expensive for women. You can always buy gilded accessories and you will be on top of fashion. These will let every women to have the unique and modern view and feel of the real gold at a lower price.

Whether you prefer huge hoops embellished with jewels or a long multi strand necklace icon doubled up with a chunky beaded necklace-shaped, remember, this season size really does matter. Try earrings, necklaces and bracelets which look big and colorful. They come in various sizes and shapes. However, you are just supposed to follow a particular theme while wearing them.

Crystals are everywhere in the full spectrum of color. What better way to bring life to a structured designer clothes(vêtements de marque) with little detail than to accessorize it with brightly colored rocks. One statement accessory is enough. A small collection of statement jewelry is all you need to create your signature look. Wear one item at a time with your favourite polo ralph lauren dress. A change of accessories freshens your look instantly.

This is the best time to collect your favorite jewelry and to flaunt your signature. Take advantage of this season's offerings to build up your jewelry wardrobe.